Amy Stebbins

c:/>title labyrinth

Staatstheater Augsburg, 2024

"The audience's enthusiasm for this ambitious and groundbreaking work, and especially for the artists and musicians, is huge."

- O-Ton: Magazine for Music-theater

"Everything is in harmony; everything fits together perfectly."

- Die Deutsche Bühne

"Stebbins' characters speak in sentences that are condensed and intensified with urgency and poetry."

- Die Augsburger Allgemeine


Theater Gießen, 2023/2024

"A perfect Rigoletto. A spectacular production! The audience was captivated. A standing ovation at the end. Bravi!"

- Hessischer Rundfunk

"seamless... gripping... without any directorial gimmicks."

- der Opernfreund


theater für niedersachsen, 2022

"Beautiful... imaginative... dramaturgically and technically superb. An evening you should probably see twice."

- Opernwelt

"...sophisticated direction... This production deserves a sold-out house."

- Online Musik Magazine

"With impressive authenticity, Amy Stebbins portrays this disorienting thriller through psychologically astute direction."

- Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung


Neuköllner Oper, 2022/2023

"2023 Critics' Highlight"

- The Berliner

"An absurd yet realistic tragicomedy, both hilarious and heart-wrenching"

- rbb Inforadio kultur

"An audience hit! ... Great fun!"

- Kulturvolk Blog Nr. 440


Bavarian State Opera, 2016

Winner of the Munich Opera Festival Prize

"The incontestable ornament of the Munich Opera Festival... The massively applauded premiere of this in no way conceptually simple work had a lot to offer for both eye and ear. It should encourage the Munich Opera to further follow this path of contemporary opera."

- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Beautiful... brutal... suspenseful, intense, and informative."

- Die Deutsche Bühne

"An exciting, nightmarish, nerve-wracking study of the clash of kisses and bites... It is dazzling, extreme... An incredible experience."

- Süddeutsche Zeitung